Accenture Banking Blog

In today’s banking industry, radical disruption is reality. Whether it’s customers wanting to do their banking through their Amazon Alexa or banks taking the plunge to become digital to the core, the pace of change is unremitting—and rising.

Add in developments in areas like blockchain, Open Banking, analytics, cloud, regulation, and the remorseless rise of the fintechs, and it’s clear the dramatic reshaping of the banking landscape has only just begun.

Our work with leading banks across Europe gives us a constant line of sight into their opportunities and challenges as they grapple with these changes—and our wealth of experience means we’re ideally placed to help them visualize the future.

Therefore, it seemed like a good time to take a look at these important trends—and consider how they’ll play out over the coming months. In my view, this year may well be a turning point: one where the banking industry’s pivot to the New will not just continue—it will accelerate.

So, what trends should banks be focusing on in 2019? I’ve identified 10. Have a look!